
Serving the children of Franklin County, PA

If you suspect child abuse, please call 1-800-932-0313

What should I do if I suspect that a child is being abused?

Stay calm and focused. Allow the child to talk without reacting in an emotional way. Assure them that you believe them and will do your best to help and protect them. Do not question extensively other than to gather minimal facts. Notify the proper authorities which may include Law Enforcement, Children and Youth Services and/or Child Line and Abuse Registry 1-800-932-0313.

How are children referred to the Franklin County Children’s Advocacy Center?

Referrals are made by Children and Youth Services or Law Enforcement after receiving a suspected abuse report. This is the first step of bringing together the Multidisciplinary Investigative Team (CYS Case worker , LE Investigator , District Attorney , Family Advocate and others when appropriate) who will work collaboratively on behalf of the child.

How is the Children’s Advocacy Center Funded?

Over The Rainbow – Franklin County Children’s Advocacy is a non profit organization funded by grants, donations and fundraising efforts. We rely on the generosity of the community in order to provide all child victims with the necessary services and assistance to lessen the trauma of childhood abuse.


There are many ways that an individual person can make a difference in the life of a child. Speaking up on their behalf is the key to intervention and the prevention of child abuse. Supporting the Franklin County Children’s Advocacy Center will allow for the child’s voice to be heard and ensure that they will receive the support and services necessary to lessen the trauma associated with abuse.